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Otters -- or should I say "otter silhouettes"?

From KofA, I made a mad dash over to the California coast to visit my sister. The California coast is gorgeous. I’m sure this fact will surprise no one. North of Morro Bay, there is another bay whose name I forget, (possibly Escondido?) and near one of the jetties jutting out into the bay there is a colony of otters. Naturally I had to go see the otters. It was great seeing the otters. The weather was perfect, and the area is lovely. There were dozens of otters lolling about amidst the rocks and seaweed, turning summersaults and doing barrel rolls. Unfortunately, due to a number of factors, all 200+ of the photos I took were total crap.

1) My camera was still set on ISO 6400, so all the pictures are horribly grainy

2) My best zoom lens is only 200 mm. This magnification was inadequate to shoot the otters.

3) And, probably most importantly, the light was behind the otters, so they weren’t lit up. I could only see otter silhouettes, flapping legs and tails, heads bobbing around, etc.

Of these (the flapping, rolling, heaving silhouettes) I saw many. And just to prove that there were, in fact, otters and I did, in fact. see them, I selected these from my 200+ photos…they all looked pretty much like this.

The otters like to float with their heads and feet sticking out of the water, and that’s basically what you see of them: heads and feet bobbing around in the water. There’s a lot of splashing and flailing legs as they roll around.

This one was doing summersaults.