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Craters of the Moon

After a brief stopover in Boise, (not brief enough…no stopover in Boise can be brief enough even if it is 15 minutes at a gas station) I proceeded east to Craters of the Moon National Monument. Craters of the Moon is covered with blasted trees and bizarre lava formations, two of my favorite things in the whole world. The campground was horribly crowded, but that’s because lots of other people also enjoy blasted trees and weird lava formations. There are some lava tube caves at CotM that I hiked into a few (or a number of) years ago, but apparently they now require a special permit that I didn’t bother to obtain. I was perfectly content to ride around the scenic loop on my trike and admire the blasted trees and weird lava formations.

Trail to North Crater

One of many blasted trees

Giant heap o’ lava

More giant heaps o’ lava